The dog from hell
OK. My dogs are officially making me insane. I have two little dogs, let's call them C & B. C is a rescue dog, he's been great, brought my family tons of joy as well as ginormous vet bills.
However, about every night at 2am, he decides it's prime ass-licking time and has to do it in my bedroom.
If I boot him out, he will cry at my door for the remainder of the night.
Now, I am a dog lover. Big time. But this dog is making me loose my religion in a big way.
My dog is annoying. Hence the name of my blog.
Dang. I must be like one of the first people to come over here to your blog. Kinda looks like you just got started with this highly addictive blogger thing.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Of course I like the Beastie Boys and I considered putting them on my list but it just didnt feel right to group them with the other ones.
I am 31 to answer your age question. I feel sixty sometimes.
Come back any time. :)
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