Thursday, October 05, 2006

The dog from hell

OK. My dogs are officially making me insane. I have two little dogs, let's call them C & B. C is a rescue dog, he's been great, brought my family tons of joy as well as ginormous vet bills.

However, about every night at 2am, he decides it's prime ass-licking time and has to do it in my bedroom.


If I boot him out, he will cry at my door for the remainder of the night.

Now, I am a dog lover. Big time. But this dog is making me loose my religion in a big way.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Favorite websites

Here's mine:

Good reading all around!

The Missing O

I can't find my O. How depressing. I'm a seasoned professional, so to speak. Not that kind of professional, you creep. I mean, I found my O at a VERY early age--so early it would probably freak most men out---many women probably would say they found theirs as early if not earlier.

Anyway, for the past two days, I've been very close, but no banana. I mean, there's SOMETHING there, but not the real deal, you know? I'm sure it will return, I'm just sad and disappointed.

Last night, doing the somewhat wild but usual thing we do, I'm going cowgirl, I'm almost there, almost there, and then it was gone. Because he usually won't get his until I get mine (bless him), I had to fake it. I've never done that. I didn't like it one tiny bit.

Then today, I had an opportunity to go (ahem) solo, and it just wasn't there.

Oh well.......there's always tomorrow.....